Food Safety & Allergies
Available on: E-Learning & As part of our Mandatory Courses
This comprehensive Food Safety & Allergies course equips healthcare professionals with essential knowledge to safely manage food preparation and service in clinical settings. Participants learn effective food hygiene practices, allergen management protocols, and cross-contamination prevention techniques. The training covers HACCP principles, temperature control, storage requirements, allergen identification, and emergency response to allergic reactions. Professionals will develop confidence in implementing robust food safety systems, maintaining accurate documentation, and creating safe dining experiences for vulnerable patients with diverse dietary requirements.
Course Benefits:
- Reduces foodborne illness risks through improved hygiene practices
- Enhances allergen management capabilities for patient safety
- Develops confidence in implementing effective HACCP-based systems
- Creates safer dining environments for vulnerable patients with allergies
CQC Recommendations:
- Essential for meeting Regulation 14 (Meeting Nutritional and Hydration Needs)
- Supports compliance with food safety legislation requirements
- Demonstrates commitment to safe catering practices in healthcare settings
NICE Guidelines (CG134):
- Aligns with quality standards on nutrition support and patient safety
- Supports implementation of effective allergen management protocols
- Promotes person-centred approaches to nutrition and dietary requirements
VAAD Certification:
- CPD Standards Office accredited course exceeding regulatory standards
- Certificate verification available via our website
- Certification complies with all relevant healthcare standards
- Provides documented evidence of professional development